Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup Recipe - Recipes Website

Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup Recipe


The most delectable soup I’ve tasted all year! Moreover, this recipe is incredibly simple, thanks to the slow cooker doing all the heavy lifting for you!

Lasagna, a cherished Italian classic renowned for its intricate layers of flavors, can often be a labor-intensive dish to prepare. Enter the Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup – a delightful twist that transforms the complexity of lasagna into a warm and hearty soup. Perfect for intimate family dinners or as a comforting delight during gatherings, this soup encapsulates the essence of traditional lasagna with significantly less effort.

Enhance the Experience: Pair this soup with a light, refreshing side salad drizzled with vinaigrette to complement the richness of the soup. For a more indulgent affair, include garlic bread or toasted Italian bread – perfect for dipping and savoring the robust flavors of the soup.

Slow Cooker Lasagna Soup Recipe:


1 pound ground beef

4 cups beef broth

12 ounces lasagna noodles

1/2 diced onion

1 diced bell pepper

1 can (28 ounces) crushed tomatoes

1 can (14.5 ounces) petite diced tomatoes

1 tablespoon Italian seasoning

1 teaspoon minced garlic

1/2 cup ricotta cheese

1 cup shredded parmesan cheese

1 cup shredded mozzarella cheese


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