The Unexpected Adventures of My $6,500 Black Angus Bull
I recently invested $6,500 in a registered Black Angus bull, confident that he would enhance my herd’s quality. I was excited about integrating him with my cows, so I let him roam freely among them.
However, much to my surprise and disappointment, he showed no interest in the cows. Instead, he spent his days leisurely grazing on grass, completely ignoring the purpose for which I had bought him.
As the days passed, my initial excitement turned into frustration. The thought that I had overpaid for this bull began to nag at me. This led me to call the vet for a thorough examination, hoping to uncover any underlying issues that might explain the bull’s behavior.
When the vet arrived, he conducted a comprehensive check-up and found the bull to be physically sound. However, he noted that the bull might be a year or two younger than the ideal breeding age.
This insight provided some explanation but didn’t fully address my concerns. To help remedy the situation, the vet prescribed a medication to be administered to the bull once a day.
I followed the vet’s instructions diligently, hoping for the best. Remarkably, within just two days of starting the medication, the bull’s behavior underwent a dramatic change.
He began actively tending to all of my cows, showing the vigor and enthusiasm I had expected from the beginning.
His newfound energy and interest in breeding didn’t stop at my property line. To my amazement, he even jumped the fence to mate with every cow my neighbor owned!
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