Amish Peanut Butter Cream Pie Recipe - Recipes Website

Amish Peanut Butter Cream Pie Recipe



Step 1

In a medium saucepan, melt the unsalted butter over medium heat.

Step 2

Stir in the sugar, flour, and salt until well combined.

Step 3

Gradually add the milk, stirring constantly to prevent lumps.

Step 4

Cook over medium heat, stirring continuously, until the mixture thickens and comes to a boil.

Step 5

Continue to cook and stir for an additional minute.

Step 6

Remove the saucepan from heat.

Step 7

Slowly whisk a small amount of the hot mixture into the beaten egg yolks to temper them.

Step 8

Pour the egg mixture back into the saucepan, stirring constantly.

Step 9

Return the saucepan to low heat and cook for an additional 2 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 10

Remove from heat and stir in the peanut butter, unsalted butter, and vanilla extract until smooth and well combined.

Step 11

Pour the filling into the pre-baked pie crust.

Step 12

Allow the pie to cool to room temperature, then refrigerate for at least 3 hours or until the filling is set.

Step 13

Just before serving, whip the heavy cream with the powdered sugar until soft peaks form.

Step 14

Spread or pipe the whipped cream over the cooled pie.

Step 15

Sprinkle with chopped peanuts or chocolate shavings for an extra touch.