An Effortless, Eco-Friendly Solution for a Sparkling Oven! - Recipes Website

An Effortless, Eco-Friendly Solution for a Sparkling Oven!


An Effortless, Eco-Friendly Solution for a Sparkling Oven!

As the holiday season rolls around, many find themselves tackling neglected areas of their homes. Suddenly, the oven, like the rest of the kitchen, demands attention and a thorough clean-up. But is it wise to resort to traditional oven cleaners with their harsh chemicals and health warnings? The cost of achieving cleanliness often includes respiratory, skin, and eye irritation, not to mention the exhausting scrubbing required.

Luckily, the digital age offers more than just endless scrolling; it also provides practical solutions to common problems. One such gem is a DIY oven cleaner touted to banish grime without the need for store-bought cleansers’ harmful chemicals.

The Magic Formula for Your Homemade Oven Cleaner

This environmentally friendly solution not only minimizes the physical exertion needed for a spotless oven but also shields you from harmful toxins. Follow this simple recipe to create and apply your homemade oven cleaner:

What You’ll Need:

Baking soda.


White vinegar.

A small bowl.

A spray bottle.


Step 1

Mix enough water and baking soda to form a spreadable paste. The exact measurements are flexible, but starting with half a cup of baking soda and two or three teaspoons of water is a good rule of thumb.

Step 2

Adjust as needed until you achieve a spreadable consistency.

Step 3

Apply Generously: Coat the interior of your oven with the paste, being careful to avoid the heating elements or gas vents.

Step 4

Focus on areas with the most buildup, and let the paste sit for at least 12 hours, preferably overnight, for best results.

Step 5

After the waiting period, fill a spray bottle with white vinegar and mist the baking soda paste.

Step 6

The vinegar and baking soda reaction will create a foaming action, aiding in the removal of grime.

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