8-oz.Of penne pasta.

1 Pound.Of large shrimp; peeled.

2 Tbsp.Of olive oil.

4 garlic cloves; minced.

1 Cup.Of cherry tomatoes, halved.

2 Cups.Of fresh spinach leaves.

1 Cup.Of heavy cream.

1 Cup.Of grated Parmesan cheese.

Salt and pepper to taste.


Step 1

Bring to a simmer a large kettle of salted water. Cook the penne pasta according to the instructions on the package until al dente. Drain and reserve.

Step 2

Over medium-high heat, heat the olive oil in a large skillet. Add the garlic and cook for approximately 30 seconds, or until aromatic. Then, add the shrimp to the skillet and sauté for 2 to 3 minutes per side, or until opaque and pink. Remove the cooked shrimp of the pan and set aside.

Step 3

Add the divided cherry tomatoes to the same pan and sauté for two to three minutes, until they begin to tender. Then add the heavy cream into the pan and bring it to a simmer, cooking it for 2 to 3 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Step 4

Incorporate the raw spinach leaves into the pan. Allow them to wilt for about two minutes in the velvety tomato sauce. Ensure that the grated Parmesan cheese is thoroughly incorporated and that the sauce has thickened before adding it.

Step 5

Put the cooked penne pasta back into the pan it was cooked in. Toss it in the velvety sauce, ensuring each pasta is saturated evenly.

Step 6

Return the cooked prawns to the skillet with care. Allow them to reheat through in the pasta and sauce mixture.

Step 7

Season the dish to suit with salt and pepper. If desirable, fresh basil leaves can be torn and sprinkled on top to add a splash of color and freshness.

Step 8

Assemble the Penne Pasta with Cheese Shrimp and Spinach so that each serving contains a generous amount of shrimp, pasta, and spinach. Serve hot and savor the flavor symphony.