Discover the Ultimate Floor Cleaner Recipe with Zero Residue - Recipes Website

Discover the Ultimate Floor Cleaner Recipe with Zero Residue


Discover the Ultimate Floor Cleaner Recipe with Zero Residue

Are you on a quest for the ideal floor cleaner that leaves your floors impeccably clean without any lingering traces? Your search concludes right here! We present a floor cleaner recipe that not only cleans efficiently but also guarantees a residue-free finish. Let’s delve into the details.


1 gallon of Distilled water

1 cup of White vinegar

1 tablespoon of Liquid dish soap

10-15 drops of Essential oil (such as lavender or lemon for a refreshing scent)


Prepare the Mixture:

In a spacious bucket, blend the distilled water and white vinegar. The vinegar serves as a natural cleanser, eliminating dirt and grime without leaving any residue.

Add Soap:

Gently incorporate the liquid dish soap into the mixture. This assists in breaking down stubborn stains or spots on your floor.

Infuse with Fragrance:

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