Discover the Ultimate Natural Insect Repellent: Baby Oil & Cloves - Recipes Website

Discover the Ultimate Natural Insect Repellent: Baby Oil & Cloves


Discover the Ultimate Natural Insect Repellent: Baby Oil & Cloves

Fed up with pesky insects ruining your outdoor fun? Say goodbye to those bothersome bugs with our simple yet powerful homemade remedy made from baby oil and cloves. This natural repellent will let you enjoy the outdoors without the annoying company of mosquitoes and other pests.


Gather these items to make your insect repellent:

A dark glass dropper bottle.

35 milliliters of baby oil (or substitute with olive oil).

Six whole cloves.

Making Your Repellent:

Here’s how to create your own bug-banishing blend:

Get all your equipment and ingredients together.

Pour 35 ml of baby oil into the dark glass dropper bottle. Olive oil works just as well due to its natural properties.

Add six cloves to the bottle. These tiny powerhouses are the secret behind the repellent’s effectiveness, thanks to their natural ability to repel insects.

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