Quick Fruit Cobbler made with only a few basic ingredients and ready in under an hour! It’s a plain fruit oven-baked into a buttery cake-like crust that’ll quickly become a family favorite.
Cobblers are absolutely delightful sweets, as any Southerner can tell you. These fruit cobbler recipes show the cobbler season never finishes. These cobbler recipes are sweet and savory, sensational and refined, ranging from the comfort of our Winter Blackberry Cobbler to the luscious tastes of summer fruit in a Grilled Peach Cobbler or a Cakey Strawberry Cobbler. You’ll be shocked by how easy it is to enjoy these cobblers. When our Test Kitchen called our Easy Peach Cobbler, they meant it.
So go ahead and choose your favorite fruits, from strawberries to apples and all in between, and enjoy the tastes of the season with any or all of these delectable fruit cobbler recipes.
You’ll need the ingredients below:
470 grams.Of diced strawberries.
½ Cup.Of granulated sugar.
1 small spoon.Of cornstarch.
1 small spoon.Of lemon juice.
½ Cup.Of sugar.
1 Cup.Of all-purpose flour.
½ Small spoons.Of salt.
1 Large spoon.Of baking powder.
1 Large spoon.Of vanilla extract.
¾ Cup.Of almond milk.
4 large spoons.Of melted butter.
Follow these easy steps to make this fruit cobbler recipe:
Step 1:
To begin, I preheated the oven to 375 degrees Fahrenheit.
Step 2:
Then, I placed the sliced strawberries in a 2-quart ceramic baking dish.
Step 3:
After that, in a medium mixing bowl, I combined the sugar with cornstarch and lemon juice.
Step 4:
And using this mixture, I coated the sliced strawberries with a brush. And I allowed the mixture to cool slightly as I made the cake filling.
Step 5:
At this step, in a separate medium mixing bowl, I added the sugar, all-purpose flour, kosher salt, and baking powder, and I rapidly stir until all ingredients were incorporated!!
Step 6:
Following that, I poured the milk with the vanilla extract, and melted butter over the previous mixture, and stir again to mix them together.
Step 7:
Once combined, I poured the batter over the strawberries, and I baked at 375 degrees for 35 minutes or until the surface was golden brown.
Most people usually use vanilla bean ice cream to serve this. Whether you’re feeding a big party or taking something to a potluck, this is especially important.
Everyone likes strawberry cobbler with a scoop of vanilla frozen dairy, without a doubt. But you can serve it with fresh ice cream, apple sauce, a heavy cream drizzle, or sometimes chocolate sauce because you know chocolate is great on everything.
Above all, everything goes, so go ahead and top that with anything you want!