A Kentucky Butter Cake is a delectable delicacy that is rich, moist, and imbued with a wonderful buttery taste that is instilled throughout the cake. This traditional cake from the South is a wonderful delicacy that is great for celebrating special events or for those times when you just want a piece of pure happiness. This cake is likely to become a favorite among your family and friends as a result of its rich consistency, sugary frosting, and seductive flavor that is derived from the butter.

The Kentucky Butter Cake is a genuine delicacy that has a fragile crumb, a taste that is reminiscent of butter, and a sweet glaze. This traditional dessert from the South is great for any occasion and will leave your taste senses in a state of complete and utter happiness.

Whether you save it for a treat for yourself or bring it to a get-together with the family, this cake will leave a lasting impression because of its flavorful and moist crumb. Therefore, assemble all of the necessary components, carefully carry out the instructions, and reward yourself with a piece of this delectable Kentucky Butter Cake!



– 3 Cups.Of all-purpose flour.

– 2 Tsp.Of baking powder.

– 1/2 Tsp.Of baking soda.

– 1/2 Tsp.Of salt.

– 1 Cup.Of unsalted butter, softened.

– 2 Cups.Of granulated sugar.

– 4 large eggs.

– 1 Tsp.Of vanilla extract.

– 1 Cup.Of buttermilk.


– 1/2 Cup.Of unsalted butter.

– 1/4 Cup.Of water.

– 1 Cup.Of granulated sugar.

– 2 Tsp.Of vanilla extract.


– 1/2 Cup.Of unsalted butter.

– 1 Cup.Of granulated sugar.

– 1/4 Cup.Of water.

– 2 Tsp.Of vanilla extract.


Step 1

Prepare by preheating the oven to 325°F (160°C). A 10-inch bundt pan should be greased and floured, making sure to coat all the nooks and crannies.

Step 2

To make the cake batter, combine the flour, baking powder, baking soda, and salt in a medium basin. Place aside. The softened butter and granulated sugar should be combined in a large mixing basin and creamed until light and fluffy.

Step 3

Gradually add the eggs, beating thoroughly after each addition. Add the vanilla essence and stir. Alternately add the buttermilk and dry ingredients in small amounts to the butter mixture. When combining all the ingredients, start and stop with the dry ingredients.

Step 4

Bake the cake: Spoon the batter into the bundt pan that has been prepared and smooth the top with a spatula. The pan should be baked for 60 to 70 minutes, or until a toothpick inserted in the middle comes out clean, in a preheated oven. The top of the cake should be slightly cracked and golden brown.

Step 5

Make the butter glaze: Make the butter glaze while the cake bakes. Melt the butter in a small pan over medium heat. Once the sugar has completely dissolved, add water and stir in the granulated sugar. Add vanilla extract after turning the heat off. Place aside.

Step 6.

Glaze the cake: After it has finished baking, take the cake out of the oven but leave it in the pan. Make holes all over the cake’s surface with a skewer or toothpick while it’s still warm. The heated cake should have the butter glaze drizzled evenly and gently over it so it can absorb. To allow the flavors to meld, let the cake cool fully in the pan.

Step 7

To make the butter sauce, melt the butter in a small saucepan over low heat. Once the sugar has dissolved, stir in the water and granulated sugar. Add vanilla extract after turning the heat off. Place aside.

Step 8

Distribute and savor: Place the cake on a serving dish or cake stand when it has cooled. Over the top, drizzle the butter sauce and let it trickle down the edges. The cake is now prepared for consumption. If preferred, cut into slices and serve with whipped cream or a scoop of vanilla ice cream.


Since the flavors have had time to blend, the Kentucky Butter Cake tastes even better on the second day. The cake may be kept at room temperature for up to three or four days in an airtight container.