To improve on my mother’s already excellent cream puff recipe, I set out to create some of my own. I would have never imagined it was possible, but I was proven incorrect once again! Cream puffs are light, fluffy, and creamy dessert that is almost too sweet to devour in one sitting. This dough is similar to the one we use to make Eclairs. In the event that you want a fast and somewhat easy evening meal to feed a crowd, this is the recipe to use. This recipe yielded enough to fill 16 cream puffs. So look no further!!! What you really need is just in front of you, gather all the ingredients needed, and let us make it together!!
4 small eggs, or 3 large-sized.
Vanilla sugar, I used two bags.
One Cup.Of cake flour, equal to 125 grams.
80 grams.Of softened unsalted butter.
A pinch of kosher salt.
Water, as needed, but I recommend using a quarter cup.
Step 1:
First you need to mix water with a pinch of kosher salt, and softened butter after you cut into tiny pieces in a saucepan.
Step 2:
Next, you should bring the mixture to a boil, and once the butter has melted, remove the skillet from the heat. Stir regularly as you add the flour and sugar all at the same time.
Step 3:
Return the pot to the heat and continue to cook the dough, stirring constantly with a wooden spoon, until it comes out of the bottom.
Step 4:
At this point, you need to turn off the heat and let the pot cool for a few minutes.
Step 5 :
Add the eggs one at a time, being sure to wait until the previous egg is well integrated before adding the next one.
Step 6:
After that, it’s time to set the tamp of your oven to 180 degrees Fahrenheit, and prepare a baking tray by lining it with baking paper.
Step 7:
And now, using a pastry bag or two teaspoons, make little mounds of dough that are slightly spaced apart.
Step 8:
Bake the puffs for 25 minutes, once done baking, turn the oven off and open the door to let them dry.
Step 9:
Once the puffs become too cool, pierce the bottoms with a pastry bag filled with vanilla, rum, or chocolate-flavored pastry cream and decorate with a pastry brush.
Step 10:
And to finish, sprinkle powdered sugar over the chocolate after dipping the vanilla muffins in caramel.