Natural DIY Solution: Say Goodbye to Flies and Mosquitoes with Household Ingredients - Recipes Website

Natural DIY Solution: Say Goodbye to Flies and Mosquitoes with Household Ingredients



Step 1

Mix Ingredients: In the shallow bowl, blend the vinegar and shampoo until thoroughly combined.

Step 2

Add Olive Oil: Slowly pour the olive oil over the mixture, allowing it to float on top and create a thin layer over the liquid.

Step 3

Set Up Trap: Position the bowl in areas where flies or mosquitoes are prevalent, such as near doors, windows, or damp spots.

How It Works:

– Attraction: The vinegar serves as bait, emitting a strong, fruity scent that appeals to flies and mosquitoes.

Apple cider vinegar, in particular, is highly effective due to its natural fermentation, which replicates the scents of decay and fermentation these insects find irresistible.

– Entrapment: The shampoo in the mixture reduces the surface tension of the vinegar, making it easier for insects to sink if they land on the liquid’s surface.

– Barrier: The olive oil forms a slick barrier atop the mixture. If flies or mosquitoes venture into the trap, they become ensnared by the oil, which hampers their escape by coating their wings and impeding their movement.


– Safety: This trap is safe for household use and poses no harm to pets or children. However, it’s advisable to place it out of reach if spillage is a concern.

– Maintenance: Check and refresh the trap mixture every few days or when it becomes heavily populated with insects.