Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich - Recipes Website

Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich


  • How To Make Philly Cheese Steak Sandwich:

it’s simple. I had the butcher slice the filet as thin as he could.

I only put sautéed onions, salt and pepper. I cook the onions first in a bit of olive oil for about five to 6 minutes.

Add salt and pepper to taste. Remove for pan.

Then I cook the steak salt and pepper and return the onions to the meat. I get the really good bread at the bakery.

Put mayo (duke’s) on both side. Add the onion and beef mixture.

Add shredded mozzarella or provolone.

Bake in a 375 oven until mozzarella melts. Add the fresh parsley for color.
