Steak and Potato Foil Packets with Garlic - Recipes Website

Steak and Potato Foil Packets with Garlic


Steak and Potato Foil Packets with Garlic


2 lbs lean sirloin steak, trimmed and diced into 2-inch pieces

1 lb baby yellow potatoes, cut into quarters or halves

1 tbsp minced garlic (adjust as per preference)

2 tsp Italian seasoning (or a combination of dried oregano, thyme, and parsley)

1 tsp onion powder

3 tbsp olive oil

Salt and pepper, to taste


Preheat Oven: If using an oven, preheat it to 425°F (220°C) for even cooking.

Mix & Marinate: In a large mixing bowl, combine the diced sirloin steak, baby potatoes, minced garlic, Italian seasoning, onion powder, olive oil, salt, and pepper. Toss gently until all ingredients are well-coated with the seasoning mix.

Prepare Packets: Divide the steak and potato mixture evenly among four 12×12-inch aluminum foil sheets. Seal the packets tightly to lock in the flavors.

Cooking Methods:

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