The Simple Secret My Grandmother Shared: Just Mix Rice and Yeast! - Recipes Website

The Simple Secret My Grandmother Shared: Just Mix Rice and Yeast!



1 cup cooked rice (any variety).

1/4 teaspoon nutritional yeast (available at health food stores and online).


Prepare the Rice: Cook the rice according to the package instructions. You can use any type of rice you prefer, such as white, brown, or wild rice.

Cool the Rice: Allow the cooked rice to cool to room temperature. This step helps preserve the yeast’s nutrients when mixed.

Mix in the Yeast: Add the nutritional yeast to the cooled rice. Stir thoroughly to ensure even distribution.

Serve: Your rice and yeast mixture is now ready to enjoy. It pairs well with salads, as a side dish, or as a light meal on its own.

Ways to Incorporate It into Your Diet

To reap the benefits, aim to include this rice and yeast mixture in your diet several times a week. Here are some simple ways to enjoy it:

As a Side Dish: Complement your meals with this nutrient-rich side, pairing it with your favorite meats and vegetables.

In Salads: Add a scoop to your salads for an extra burst of flavor and nutrition.

As a Snack: Enjoy a small bowl as a healthy and energizing snack.

Additional Tips

Stay Hydrated: Drink plenty of water throughout the day to help your body absorb the nutrients from the rice and yeast.

Balanced Diet: Maintain a well-rounded diet with ample fruits, vegetables, and proteins to support your overall health.

Regular Exercise: This natural remedy works best when combined with regular physical activity to enhance digestion and energy levels.


The combination of rice and yeast showcases the power of traditional knowledge. This simple mix can improve your digestion, boost your energy, and enhance your overall health. Give this time-tested remedy a try and experience the benefits for yourself. Embrace a healthier and happier future, just as Grandma always predicted!